Thursday, February 11, 2016

It's Never Too Late.. And I Never Gave Up

Even though I abandoned this blog sometime ago, I have continued to log almost daily on the entire time (minus a few off periods of a few months, once up to 6 months). I have tried many different things. I learned (from very dogmatic adherents) that a moderate calorie cut was best (no more than 20% from your Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and that I should eat 'sufficient calories' and 'adequate protein'. I became proficient weighing and measuring everything and begin strength training three times a week. At best, I got to the point where I was losing 1/2 pound a week but not consistently. I blamed myself. I must be underestimating portions. I must be doing something wrong. I must have forgotten to log something I ate. I would like to say that, while all of the time I've been on MyFitnessPal my efforts were not perfect, I have been trying for years in a moderate fashion and,aside from passing back and forth the same 5-7 pounds, I got nowhere. I had many "friends" on MFP that would have unfriended me had I dropped my calories below a certain point.

I am sort of finished justifying things, apologizing, giving data to support my perspective, etc. I am doing a plan that, so far is consistently working, and I am going to do it until I hit a pre-determined weight (or date whichever comes first) and then I am going to back off some and go to a more moderate approach.

I am really tired of being fat.

A few years ago, I googled "how to lose 20 pounds fast" (or some such thing) and came across Lyle McDonald and his book on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) referred to as a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) . In this book, he repeatedly mentions that this is not in any way the ideal way to lose weight, but that he know people are going to crash diet anyhow and, if you are going to do that, this is the scientifically best way to do that without losing your lean body mass and your health. Challenge accepted. I did a very modified version of that diet back in 2009 and (I didn't have a scale at that time), I dropped at least one clothing size and looked good in a short period of time. I didn't maintain the general principles and, of course, I gained the weight back.

I am getting married this summer. I have been forlorn with the fact that I have been utterly unsuccessful in losing the weight I hoped to before my wedding, so I revisited the PSMF. I'd say that I am still more or less doing a modified version of it (mostly because I am doing it longer than a few weeks and I need to keep myself interested and engaged), but the results, finally, have been encouraging.

The plan, in a nutshell, puts you into a fast, eating only as much protein as will maintain your lean body mass during your loss. The idea is that, unless you eat adequate protein, when you lose weight, some of it will be fat, some will be water, and some will be lean tissue. This method aims to keep (as much of)your muscle (as you can) while you lose weight. There are calculations to determine how many grams of protein a person needs to eat in a day based on things like age, weight, and body fat percentage. So you are more eating your protein grams than eating calories. In its purest form, people on this plan only eat lean protein and non starchy vegetables and some fat free dairy. And it isn't very many calories.

Most people on this diet lose a lot of weight fast. I have been losing an average of 2 pounds a week at almost a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. Two pounds a week falls within the supposed "healthy range" of weight loss even if the number of calories I am eating does not which is confusing to me and says a lot. I am going to go out on a limb and say that maybe my TDEE is much much lower than the average person and I am not supposed to be eating 1500 calories a day of "adequate calories at a moderate cut." Or maybe there is something wrong with me. I don't know. I just don't like failing when I try so very hard. So this is what I am doing.

I decided to revive this blog because I wanted a place where I could document what I am doing and how it is going and it seemed silly to start a brand new blog. Anyone who is reading a weight loss blog probably has been down this same road. Started, SO EXCITED!, Doing ok! Doing less OK! Fades off, gains weight back, slinks back in with shame. Starts over.

I started a Very Low Calorie Diet on December 30th and I started the PSMF on January 6th. To date, I have lost about 11 1/2 pounds. I am taking progress pictures regularly both clothed and in a "bikini." The first set of comparison pictures was spectacular. I was blown away with the drastic change. Since then, the changes are more subtle. I am sure if I take a picture at the 2 month mark and compare it, it will again be dramatic.

The lesson I learned from re-reading my entire blog was that I give up and quit too early every single time. Seriously EVERY SINGLE TIME. I get angry, impatient, resentful, and full of self pity if I don't see consistent results that I feel are in line with the amount of effort I am putting in. So my justification is, "If i am working this hard with nearly zero results, why am I doing this? Why not just eat what I want to?" No. Not quitting. I am staying with this at least until the end of April or when I hit 130 pounds which is at the very maximum I am supposed to be for a healthy weight (101-131).


  1. Oh, I have so been there. I too have been trying to lose weight for a long time and follow the same cycle. It's a very emotional process. I get so mad at my past self for not just sticking with something and I'd be done already!!! But that doesn't accomplish anything. :/

    I have heard good things about this plan when it comes to VLCDs. I will be watching your progress with interest :)
    ~Jessica AKA Cadori

  2. Thank you so much for your comment, Jessica! This program seems to be helping with the issues I am having! Interested to hear more about how things are going for you too.
