Monday, December 5, 2011

Peeking out from behind the "Meh": Beginning of Week 2

Yesterday marked one full calendar week from the day I weighed myself and spun out into despair over the reality of the fact I totally undid all the hard work I had done last Winter.

Yesterday morning I weighed 6.4 pounds less than I did a week ago. I don't really care if that weight was water, fat, heart tissue, or alien implants.. I am simply happy that it is gone and that I have tangible proof that what I am doing is having any sort of impact at all. And if you doubt the relief of losing water you have been retaining, you are likely not a woman with intact reproductive organs.

This past weekend, I didn't really write things down and keep track.. I just continued on with what I had been doing. I will re-create it and do it today just to see where I ended up. I don't want to do that very often, because I find that we tend to underestimate and under report what we eat. That said, I ate a big elaborate salad for one of my two "real food" meals both days and yesterday my love made me an egg white omelet cooked with very little fat and lots of veggies with just a bit of grated cheese for flavor. I haven't been doing well with water. My plan is to do what I had done before and make a big container of water flavored with citrus, a few berries and slices of cucumber.. like you enjoy in the lobbies of good hotels.

I am blasting through the leftovers of the shakes and pudding mixes I had last go around trying to keep things interesting. I have been using the pudding mixes as shakes by just adding more water. That only works if you add things to it including splenda otherwise it is icky. I had a caramel pudding blended into a shake with a frozen banana on Saturday and it was really good.

My splenda-based shakes will arrive on Wednesday. I have been having around 3 shakes a day plus two produce and lean protein based meals. I am aiming to remain at or below 29 Weight Watcher points plus points and at or under 1200 calories per day.

The person whose plan I follow (loosely) eats 9 meals a day with the goal to keep her metabolism up. She has 7 shakes a day and two meals at around 250 calories each. I have been having 3 shakes that often are made with 1.5 packets of the shake mix for a bigger shake. I might try her plan just for size. So to speak.

I feel pretty stable in terms of being on track with the diet plan. Next step is getting my exercise routine in place as routine. Rockstar Treadmill has been set up and I have looked upon it lovingly but have not mounted and conquered it yet. My goal is to start this evening.

My hope is to see a total of at least 10 pounds lost by next Sunday. I am hoping that adding exercise will help make that probable.

One more thing I am trying to focus on right now is to dress as though I am already beginning to look like myself again. Do you tend to dress the way you feel? I looked in the mirror at myself this weekend.. dressed in a coffee-stained oversized white man's T shirt and jeans.. no makeup with hair up in a frazzled messy ponytail.. and I thought about how much my partner must love me. So last night at seven PM.. I did my makeup and hair and put on a cute colorful outfit and greeted him like we were going out on a date. Score! I am going to begin trying to dress as though I was already approaching my goal weight (not in clothes several sizes too small!) but as though I was happy with how I look and not trying to hide.


  1. Hi Sheri,

    I'm signing on as a cheerleader in your corner! Do I need a uniform? (hehehe)

    We all have our struggles and we all approach them differently. I am confident that if those of us who believe we can accomplish our goals will support each other, regardless what our goals our, it gives each of us just a little more energy and FAITH to stay the course. Eventually, it also gives us someone to celebrate each small victory with along the way.

    I might have to "girl-up" and push my blog more towards this level of visibility.

    Belief in you,

  2. Rege, What a wonderful supportive and encouraging comment! Thank you so much.. comments and support and having people believe I can succeed really prods me forward. I would love to see your blog as well. So glad you are cheering in my corner, amazing woman that you are :) S

  3. I love love love reading your words. I relate to everything you write! I have to dress up for work, and right now, I am wearing mostly skirts that have elastic waistbands and are long. No cute, short ones right now. I have gained 10 lbs since July....I am only 3 lbs over what I was when we got married, over 7 years ago now, but it is distributed differently and FEELS different. I am retaining water hugely and struggle with that all the time. I can't drink water all day long because I can't go to the bathroom all day long...I have to hold it and wait for morning recess to RUN to the bathroom and I am about to explode! Then, I can't go again until lunch! So I severely limit my fluid/ I do drink a lot of hot tea in the evenings and end up getting up a lot at night to go to the bathroom. You are inspiring to me and I am very proud of your resolve! And your honey ROCKS!!!
