Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yesterday I braved the scale after not going near it for almost a month. I have been off my plan since before my trip back east. I was shocked shocked shocked to see that my weight was exactly the same as the last time I checked. 15# loss remains apparently. How shocked am I????

Now what to do from here. I am not sure I want to continue on the artificial fake food shake thing. I have had chronic fatigue issues exacerbated from

starting that plan and I am wondering if the artificial sweetener/preservatives triggered that. I am not used to consuming aspertame.

I confess that i think my scale is lying to me (as usual), but it does support my theory that I do ok with maintaining my weight loss.. my problem lies in GETTING it off which is why I am willing to go to drastic measures to do that.

Here is a recent picture taken this past Saturday meeting an old friend for the first time in 29 years.

Where to go from here...