Monday, March 26, 2012

All I Can Do Is Look Ahead. What Other Choice Do I Have??

I can cry, whine, complain, bemoan my failures, but all I can do is push forward. What are my other options? I can't continue as I am. My health is falling apart.

I have been trying to follow a low carb diet the last three days. I have been mostly successful and I am pleased with how it has gone. I have to wait until payday to fill my fridge with things I can eat easily, so for now, I am having to scrounge for things that are OK. I am not writing anything down as of now. I feel good that I have something I am working toward and that I have three days behind me.

All I can do is hope and plan for this time to be the time I actually succeed. I have seen that I do really well and can be faithful and dedicated, but that I don't stick with it long enough to see serious results. Last year at this time I lost 15 pounds but then went on a trip and never went back on the plan. It took a while before i started gaining weight back,but obviously I eventually put it all back on.

I really have no idea what plan I should be on long term. I have a friend that lost 115 pounds on Dukan. I have another friend who lost 85 pounds by using a nutritionist-based diet plan. I like eating organic plant based foods. I like eating low carb. I like the idea of eating anything I want but counting points. But I need to pick a plan and go with it. Right now, I am doing low carb. One day at a time. Maybe i will weigh myself tomorrow for kicks. I just need to stay on this plan and plug along even if i see 1/2 pound loss every other week. Had i done it that way last year, I would be at or close to my goal right now, slow or not. I'd be there.

Anyone on this train with me? I so much appreciate all the camaraderie and like minded empathy. This is freaking hard. But what other choice do I have???

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely there with you Sheri! I found out a couple of months ago that I am diabetic. I knew I was headed that way months, maybe even a year or so ago. I started on my journey of dropping the weight and like you, went on a trip (and saw you!) and never jumped back into it when I got home. I'd be almost done by now. I have started the journey again, this time knowing that I truly NEED to do this if i want to be here and be healthy! If there's any way that I can help you, please don't ever hesitate to ask! Love ya! :)
