Friday, April 13, 2012


.. is what I am going to call it when the scale shows I am actually GAINING weight now.

Yeah.. I am a bit depressed.

I can think of a few things that are probably going wrong. I have a habit of mixing up plans and forgetting that an item on one plan can sabotage another. Or maybe my body just needs some time to give up the fat ghost. I don't know.

I am doing low carb. I haven't been counting my carbs, calories, fat grams, points or anything. My body is very unforgiving and always has been even before kids and before 40. I have had a glass of red wine when I get home from work last few days. I said I was going to cut that item out, but we have been under some duress and I am coping with the sadness of losing a good friend to cancer (or the treatment of cancer, I should say). I also have persisted in adding tart cherries to my night time shake which should be around 4-5 carbs probably.

I have been having a low carb high protein shake at 10 am with water plus half and half or coconut milk. At lunch i typically eat vegetables (large plate of steamed kale and bok choy, spinach or a salad of red cabbage with sesame oil) plus some Lite Toby's tofu pate' or another protein (slices of organic turkey breast etc). I have another shake around 3 if i am hungry. If snacky, I have had some "sea snacks".. roasted nori with sea salt and a little olive oil. Calories and fat and carbs are negligible.. but it fills the salty savory snack need.

Dinner is usually a large portion of the vegetable du soir plus protein. Come to think of it, last night I had leftovers Josh brought home from a lunch meeting and there was a breaded protein in there.. hmmmmm.

Finally, I enjoy a dessert of a low carb shake blended with water, half and half and the 1/4 cup of frozen tart cherries and usually share it with Josh.

Sometimes there is more fat than other times in my diet, and other times, it is leaner. I am not counting fat right now. I do find that keeping fat in the diet keeps me more satisfied and less snacky throughout the day. My issues seems to be the cutting of corners like last night's whoops and the nightly glass of red wine (which seems to have about 4 grams of carbs on average per 5 ounces). A rough estimate is showing about 30 grams of carbs (not including vegetables and trace carbs in other low carb items). My shakes have 7 grams of carbs in them. Maybe that is too high for a low carb diet?

Seriously.. this is not a fat hatred thing and I am not looking to be skinny and lithe. If i took off the 30 or so pounds I have put on in the last several years, I would be so much happier and healthier. I can re evaluate then.

Who exactly am I pleading with here?..


  1. Keep on working on it Sheri. When you find what works for your body stick with it, from someone who really understands. <3

  2. You are doing great Sheri! Give your metabolism time to adjust to the new diet and calibrate itself. If you are going to do low carb, I cannot recommend strongly enough reading any of Dr. Atkin's books. Not because I think you should do full-on Atkins, but because he did the most comprehensive research and his books are the best collection of data about carbohydrates and how they affect our bodies that you can find. It's really worth it to have the best possible understanding about low carb. I have been following his basic guidelines for going on 10 years now and I have more energy and have been sick less than I was in my late 20's and early 30's when I was 240 pounds and could barely walk a block without getting winded.

  3. Well I know for me vegetarian all the way is working for me whereas Dukan and Adkins almost killed me with all the fat of meat and not to mention in the long run is bad for your heart. I dropped the bread too. 30lbs down is not bad. I would say just find what works and keep trying and give your body time to adjust. Seems calories and fat is not the issue for me but exercise seem to be working with a all plantbase diet. Keep going! we can do this!! Rivka
