Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Slow Loss is Nonetheless Loss

I braved the scale today. I am tired of cowering away from that stupid bully anyhow. This morning I actually showed a loss. A 1.6 pound loss. Meh. Fine. I went to enter it onto my weight loss progression log (read: yellow legal pad with numbers scrawled on it) and tallied up the actual total loss which ends up being 6.4 pounds. Meh. Then i realized that, despite believing I have been at this aggressively for pretty much an eternity, it has actually been one month. One month! So I lost 6.4 pounds in a month. In weight watcher world (in my past), that was normal for me. I also discovered that I have lost 3.5 inches in my waist during this time as well (the only measurement I took). So instead of whining that I am not losing any weight no matter how diligently I have stuck to my plan, instead I will say that I am experiencing slow but progressive weight loss. And as puny as that feels, All I have to do is remember that, had I kept this up and managed to lose 1.5 pounds a week since last February when I began this, I would have lost 78 pounds which is far more than I needed to lose. But NO. I had to see big giant changes at once or I just wasn't interested. Lesson learned. So I am still embarking on a no-name lower carb plan. I have been attempting to keep track of everything I eat via which is a phenomenal tracking system. It even motivates me by saying "If you continue to eat this way, you will weight X pounds in 5 weeks." I like that. My challenge is always keeping track, particularly when I am no longer sitting in front of my computer at work. I am trying to lower my dairy consumption. I am not a huge dairy fan to begin with and I am thinking the fat i consume in the dairy products will be better served with coconut fat. I have been trying to eat fewer of the 'lower carb shakes add a little frozen fruit and half and half'. I am trying to use that resource when desperate. I still eat as many vegetables as I want. I still think it is insane to limit vegetables to see a quicker weight loss even though I know of someone who this has worked tremendously for and i respect her success 100%. One cannot argue with a 115 pound weight loss! Still, I cannot fathom a world without tons of vegetables regularly. Obviously I want this to move faster. I have decided I really am not willing to give up that nightly or every other night glass of red wine, so I will have to cut back on a different item instead. I am hoping that my health will continue to improve so that i can increase my activity without it making me more ill. I really would like to lose 40 pounds faster than 6 months. I would like to lose it in 3 months. Would I be willing to do a plan I don't love in order to get there? Food for thought. So to speak.


  1. I love reading your thoughts. Like you, I want to see fast results, especially because that was what I experienced in my past dieting life. At my age (UGH) it doesn't work the same way anymore. The weight stays more around my middle and it goes on faster and takes longer to come off. I got very discouraged and went off WW and saw a big gain again. For some reason, I can't get back to tracking. I need to. I paid for the online thing and I should not waste my money, but I am my own worst enemy and can't make myself right now. I have walked/run Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week and really worked up a sweat all three times. I will try and concentrate on that. I am at a stressful point right now in regards to work and school and it will be all over in a few weeks so I tell myself I will concentrate more on myself then and in the meantime, try and just be more HEALTHY. I feel better when I have exercised. I want you to feel good my dear friend so you can share many years with Josh and celebrate life itself with joy and happiness. I am proud of you for continuing to fight this incredibly hard fight. You have lost over 6 lbs. That is an accomplishment and not a small one. Keep going and I will try to as well. xxxooo

  2. The scale is not your friend! Trust the measuring tape and how you feel instead. Your daily weight is affected by so may variables, water, salt, the ambient temperature, wet hair(jk)...
