Monday, March 14, 2016

Slow Loss is Still Loss. Again.

Written 3-10-16

I don't know why my loss has slowed down so much.  It hardly seems scientifically possible, but here I am again. But the one thing I have learned over and over again (as i read back in this blog and recall my many years at MyFitnessPal) is that this is not the time to quit in righteous indignation.

It feels frustrating to fall from a 2# a week loss to less than 1#, (but not even consistently).  But over time, that 1# or so a week will add up compared to just stopping now in frustration.  I have 18 weeks until the day of my wedding.  If i lose 1# a week until then, I will be just below my (wedding) goal.  My plan was to get there by the end of April so that I'd have less pressure on me for the last two and half months, but I cannot control what I cannot control.

The truth is that, even though this is not where I would like to be right now, the progress I have made so far is monumental compared to where I have been.  I went from fat to overweight more or less.  At least in my personal definition which can be explained by:  Fat = only wearing clothes that completely hide all of my body.  Never wearing anything that shows my waist at all.  Overweight = Will occasionally wear something tucked in (but with a really wide decorative belt) and will wear shape fitting clothing that are flattering.  Still not happy with how I look, but so much happier than I was before.

I can probably start looking for a dress knowing it likely won't fit in four months and will need some alterations.  I think I will wait one more month though.

What I have changed:  I am not sticking closely to the PSMF. With that plan, I am supposed to be basically only eating my calories in the minimum level of protein grams to maintain my lean mass and no more.  I am also allowed "calorie free"vegetables and non carb non calorie condiments.  (All veggies have calories, so that is sort of silly, but I eat veggies to satiation and I love them anyhow).  What I AM eating is... trying to hit my protein macros (not always lean protein), (but need to reevaluate what that is now) and other things to go along with it, but trying to keep calories under a certain number.  When I eat about 200 calories under what I am now, I see more loss.  When I drink water consistently (at least 80 ounces a day), I see more loss.

I am also more active than I was.  I am not sure how calorically valuable the activity is, but I do know that being more active makes me feel better physically and mentally and that is valuable to me.  We are taking two types of dance classes each week for an hour each time. One of the classes isn't very exercisey, but there is a live dance afterwards which is. The second class is a lot more cardio-ish.  I don't believe cardio is valuable for weight loss or body re-composition, but it helps my mental health and general well-being.   Lately, I have done some workout on my Fridays that I work at home.  That has involved some weights and sometimes going on the treadmill on a steep incline but walking a normal pace (2.7-3.2 mph which is up to a brisk pace for me at my  height.  anything over 3.5 mph is almost running for me).

I know that i need to up my game weights wise and the frantic busy pace of our lives has precluded that.  I can make some decent body changes in 4 months if I am really focused on that.

So to date, I have lost 17.5 pounds since New Years, and to me that is a really decent change.  I am 2.5 pounds away from a 20# loss which will feel really rewarding.

The other thing I am working on is doing things to hopefully combat PCOS.  I bought both kinds of cinnamon and some gelatin capsules. Right now, I am taking the spendy Ceylon variety which is less toxic to the liver, but might not be as effective as the Cassia variety that is more toxic, but produces better results in clinical trials regarding blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.  I might toggle back and forth between them... I am currently TRYING to take about 1.5 mg per meal (twice a day).  I am also taking rhodiola in tincture form...trying to take it twice a day also.  I often forget to bring them with me though, so i am not as consistent as I could be.  I have not started investigating taking Metformin.  I have read about mixed results from that.  It might be worth a try.

(I didn't realized I hadn't posted this)

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