Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 20 - Shifting Gears

So I have no weight to report as I am not where my scale is. But that's OK. While losing scale weight is VERY essential to me, there are other "signposts" that are equally as important to me. Like the skirt that zipped up all the way and my "Casual Friday Jeans". This past Friday, they felt loose around the waist and never pinched at all.

So I think I have determined that I need to lower my calorie count. I also think that I am going to start bringing raw vegetables with me to snack on at work. Not necessarily because i am hungry but because I just don't feel I am getting enough fresh produce. As of right now, I have not made my exercise quota for the week let along "stepped it up". Our plan is to hit the gym at some point today, so there is hope yet.

I feel a difference in my middle. I haven't had the small apnea like occurrence happen in a while (that I am aware of) which tells me my body has made some changes. All that said, if i don't lower my calorie count, I am not going to see the loss I want to see in the time I want to see it. So I am going to attempt to make 1000 my top calorie level. Gasp. Maybe even 800-1000. This will probably require me to rely more on the shakes and less on the frozen meals. I just know I am not losing the scale pounds and that is what i am eager to see.

Also, there have been too many exceptions lately in my schedule.. work receptions, parties etc. I have had alcohol three times this week which is definitely not a part of my plan. I think I need to limit it to two drinks a week at the very most. I have eaten food items that are not on my plan in circumstances where i didn't have as much choice or control over what was being served/offered. In the past I might have chosen to avoid those circumstances or brought something along with me or simply abstained from what was being served. There have been three occurrences this week alone where this happened. I need to be more judicious about where I end up and with what tools to get through the occasion.

The GOOD news is that my portion control HAS improved significantly and, during those occasions I have eaten outside of my plan, I ate small amounts rather than a bountiful plateful. Portion control has always been my weak spot.

So in a nutshell on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I am discouraged by my lack of progress and some of my poorer decisions this week but encouraged by my persistence and commitment to my program. I WILL weigh in at the end of the weekend and report honestly even if i show a gain.

I have taken the celery cleanse for two full days now and have not encountered a miraculous result yet. I realize that it can take several days for it to kick in and I will try to be patient for another day or so. The product allows for doubling up on the product if needed. Today I will do four packets instead of two. If after a week I am not seeing results, I will order a different product.

I don't have much else to report. Ups and Downs.. life happens. I haven't been as successful at navigating the special events as I have been my regular days and I am going to need to prepare for that better. I have found that if I don't have a solid plan walking into a situation, I am not going to come out successful.

I am eager to hear how everyone else is doing and what is encouraging you and discouraging you? What has been successful for you? What obstacles have you overcome?


  1. You can encourage me.....I have a blog too & need a support
    It's Mel Cobb!

    Thinking of you!

  2. About a year and a half ago I was really hitting the weight loss hard and succeeding (and have kept it off since for the most part, though still trying to lose some). My favorite moments were when I noticed those small changes: pants looser, my cheeks and sides of belly becoming concave instead of convex, feeling a muscle where I hadn't before. Congratulations on your own small notices!

    I need some motivation lately. This weekend was bad for portion sizes and temptations. Saturday was good -- until I hit the unexpected giant buffet at Elise's party! Then yesterday, worn out and frustrated by a hard weekend with my son, I treated myself to a blizzard from Dairy Queen.

    But I'm back on the wagon today, by gum, and plan to go to the gym briefly after work!

  3. You hit the nail straight on! Struggle & now I know why thru my year log journey, just why I have turned to food & my love-haste affair w/food...yes, join me & I will join you. I get it!
    XO from Maine

  4. Thank you to you both for your comments. They inspire me. I like hearing from people with genuine struggles. Struggle means to me... it is hard and it is painful and sweat and growly faces are involved. I am going to be brutally honest in my blog. When I am feeling discouraged or just plain pissed off... I am going to say so. I like to drink. I am pissed off that I can't have a glass of wine whenever I feel i need to. My life is stressful. I want wine, dammit. But I can't afford the calories.

    I am pissed off that the diet was relatively effortless for me until i realized i was consuming too many calories and that I needed to reduce it by about 200 to 400 calories. FINE. Today I have had four 100 calorie shakes and I am gdamned hungry and my blood sugar is not happy and I am going to go home grumpy and be not nice to the people I love most.

    I am frustrated at how hard it is to fit the gym into my life. Do i give up time with my kids or quality (and rare!) alone time with my partner?? I am feeling weak and faint and I want a really big fat deli sandwich or something I can chew and savor. Or wolf down. Id on't care. Instead, I will go home and have a giant salad with protein, avacado, and a low cal dressing. I will take a hot bath and watch a chick flick while Josh goes to his men's group and I will have a pity party.

    How come I am so heavy now when I was so smallish just four years ago? I am angry about it and unnerved with how much work this is going to be to fix this. That is my honest assessment today. It is probably my blood sugar pitching a tantrum :)

    I put in another order for shakes and some other things that will fit the program.. some high protien bars, hi protein hot cocoa, some protien rich snack items that go crunch.. I am dedicated. I wll do this. The alternative is resting comfortably (well.. really UNcomfortably) where I am at now. That is not acceptable to me.

    I need your encouragement and support. You have no idea. Dish it up, folks. Commiserate. I am so glad you are here.. Sheri
