Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Three

Today i begin day three. I was looking forward all day yesterday for after 5 pm when i could post and i simply got too busy. You know.. work, kids, responsibilities, bla bla.

Although I see that I will be soon getting sick of eating the same basic t hing all day every day, I like the feeling of divorcing myself from "want" and "need". I am focusing on keeping my body fed all day long with small relativel

y nutritious mini meals and boosting my metabolism. I sort of like the issue of not really needing to make any decisions about what to eat and when. I see that I will ultimately need to have some crunchy snack options.

I have been told by both my daughter and boyfriend that my professional "before" picture really doesn't "look like" me.. and my daughter suggested maybe it was taking during a bad day of my cycle where i was retaining water. I don't know. All I know is that it was taken.. it exists.. it is the worst picture I have of myself weightwise and, even though I don't see myself like that, I am choosing to make it public. I will take pictures on a regular basis to demonstrate what i "really" look like. Today's picture was taken back in December at our company holiday party. I feel it is fairly accurate of what I look like.

I feel like I need to start figuring out how to work exercise into my daily life. Something has to be rearranged to make this work. Today I decided that I am going to walk the deposit to the bank instead of ride it in... which should be about a 40 minute round trip walk. I will do this at lunch. The perfectionist in me scoffs at these small attempts (walking to a meeting on Tuesday.. 20 minutes round trip) but you have to start somewhere right?

I am feeling shaky and run down today. I think my body is getting used to this new thing I have submitted it to.

The one thing I struggle with about this diet is the reliance on prepackaged foods, some of which contain artificial sweeteners. I really prefer to fill my diet with whole foods relying heavily on produce, but obviously if that is how i HAD been eating, I wouldn't be in this place. So for now, I am going to accept this undesired artificial style diet to get some results and will focus on eating whole foods and produce based diet for maintanence as well as ongoing weight loss once I have dropped the initial GOB of extra weight I have put on in the last two or three years.

The one thing i can say for sure is I feel IN CONTROL and encouraged that I have BEGUN, am focused, and I know i will see progress.

I ordered a scale yesterday and that, my compression suit, and meal replacement shakes should arrive shortly. Then I will have a way to keep track of actual pounds and body fat.

Cheers :)

(Bottom picture is a genuine end of the day Day 3 picture)

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