Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 8

Here i lay in my sick bed on Day 8... missed work... feeling BLA and looking positively disgusting in my coffee stained over-sized man t shirt and gray capris yoga/sweat pants.

So what do I say.. when you are sick in bed with body aches and a sore throat do you drink dairy based diet shakes? NOOOOOO. I managed to make a pot of Jewish Penicillin and have subsisted mostly on that (sans matzo balls) for the last two days. I have also had some comfort food (pasta.. totally not on plan) plain with some garlic salt.

So the bad news is that I really have not been on my "plan". The good news is that I most likely have stayed within my calorie range. If I have gone over it, it can't be by much.

I have nothing prolific to say except that when one is sick, one must listen to their body. I have learned that when my body starts tapping my shoulder (headaches, body aches, sore throat, run down) it is time to hit the bed and sleep as much as I can. I am hoping that as I lose weight and get more active, I will start getting sick far less often.

That's all I got.

and a big P.S. to some certain special people who have personally contacted me and let me know how much they can relate to my situation and blogs and are following along.. THIS IS FOR YOU!!! I cannot tell you how much that means to me and spurs me onward to keep on and to do well. We can do this together.

No picture. Trust me. You don't want to see me like this :)

1 comment:

  1. I just read all of your posts. I really admire you and appreciate you posting this. I have struggled with this thing called weight my whole life! I totally relate with what you are going through and I have been going through this my whole life. Keep up the good work and I will be looking forward to seeing your progress!
