Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day One

Today is officialy DAY ONE on my new "getting unfat" program.  I had in mind exactly what I was looking for:  I am impatient and need fast results.  I need to have few choices to make and the choices need to be fast and easy to grab/access.  It can't be insanely expensive.  I need to see that it has worked for others.  It has to be really really fast with results.

Did I mention that I need really fast results because I am one impatient person?

I found a hera who exemplifies exactly what I have been striving for.  Her plan is very close to what I had imagined with some great details and additional information, and it was relatively easy to begin immediately.  Best yet, she did this program two years ago and has maintained her drastic fast weight loss.

I think I have gained about 50 pounds since I went through my separation almost 8 years ago.  It crept back on ten pounds at a time but most of the weight has come on in the last three years.  Every time I have worked on losing weight (except for one time), I ended up gaining instead.

Our office had some professional photos done and I was SHOCKED when I saw mine.  I thought:  "When did I become a pretty, fat chick?

So today is day one of following the Impatient Dieter's plan.  So far it has been effortless except for forcing myself to eat every few hours even when I didn't feel hungry at all.  I drank a ton of water and felt nearly euphoric from that.

I have ordered my meal replacement shakes but am using Atkins shakes for now even though they are not sufficient nutritionally and have filled my freezer with lean frozen meals.  Eating out will be simple choosing salads with a lean protein.  I plan to aim for 4-5 shakes a day instead of 7 and eat more fruits and veggies in between.  Her caloric goal was 1200.  I will aim for that but allow for it to drop due to my height.

I have also ordered a compression suit that she recommends for working out and sleeping in.  My next purchase is a scale.  I plan to use the weight from my recent mammogram as my starting weight even though i was fully clothed and it was at a doctor's office.

So here goes...

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