Monday, February 21, 2011

Let's Hit the "Reset" Button - Day 21

So major overhaul of the program. I am three weeks into it and i simply KNOW i haven't dropped much scale weight if any since the last time I weighed... what was that... day 15? I haven't been home where my scale is so WHEW. safe.

I think that if I didn't have "external goals" then what I am doing would be fine. I will lose weight gradually and that is ok. But because I have to make a big trip and wear the toothpick uniform NOT intended for short curvy girls .. I am in a hurry to lose a chunk in a relatively short amount of time. I can do this. I just need to adjust and accept it.

So I did a major slash of the calorie plan. Today I had five shakes spaced out about 2 hours apart (500 calories total) and am having a big salad with grape tomatoes, some avocado, chicken breast, and light dressing for dinner. I haven't calculated it out, but my aim is for about 300-400 calories for dinner.

Side effects? Wow. NO energy and very weak when I hit the end of the day. I collapsed in bed, put my feet up, and made my loved ones serve me dinner there LOL. OY such a princess. I am amazed at how much different I felt NOT having that Lean Cuisine type meal at lunch.

I did walk the deposit to the bank today.. about a 25 minute brisk round trip. The weather was gorgeous and the walk felt very good. Of course the banks are closed today, but I needed an excuse to get some activity.

I need to seriously step this up. I am serious about wanting to drop 40 pounds total by the end of April. Let's say I have dropped 9 already... I have 31 to go depending on what my scale reads now. Can I do that in 9 weeks? Maybe. It will be a lot easier if i start getting exercise more than 3 mild occasions a week.

Anyhow. I have hit the reset button. These last 20 days were valuable. I have already talked about the "mindset" and staying faithful. I hit a few speed bumps this weekend with some activities and a party but it could have been much much worse. some people believe that having one day with extra calories tricks your body and helps you to lose weight more efficiently when you drop back down. We shall see.

Not much more to say. I am having some great conversations with others in my same predicament working hard at making changes in their lives. I am working hard at not getting discouraged and focusing on the positive things. Remember that once you start, you are already winning the battle. If you make no changes, you are continuing on the path you are not happy with. Every small step is toward your goal.

When I did Weight Watchers for the first time around 1992-1993 or so, their weight tracker had this "yellow brick road" type thing where each step equaled a half pound or so. I went weekly faithfully and weighed in. I remember getting my first five and ten pound loss ribbons. Even though I lost a half pound at a time... I got to see on the little road map all those little half pounds adding up to a road leading to my ultimate goal weight. I think that I should make one of those for this time around too. I am so freaking impatient that a half pound would make me cry. But five half pounds is a 2.5 pound loss that is permanently off your body. Big events are made up of lots of small steps, choices, and decisions.

Can someone remind me of that when I come on here weeping over whatever the scale tells me? Please?

Success in your small steps to you all...



  1. Ok, I'll help remind you: The scale is not the sole measure of success. It is important to feel good, healthy, and energetic. I'm shedding weight, too, with the motto of live a healthy lifestyle and the body will follow. It sounds like you had really low energy today. I fear that is because you ate too little. Could you add that lean cuisine back at lunch so you maintain your energy? I realize you are working toward a particular date, but perhaps you could see this as a life change that can't possibly have a due date put on it. And when you are 'done' losing weight, you still won't be done, because it is a lifetime commitment to maintain your health. I have gained and lost the same 50 pounds throughout my life, and can't help but think that I would have had greater success keeping it off if I had focused on a long term lifestyle rather than a short term goal. Currently I am living healthy and have shed 14 pounds since the new year, so I'm right along with you.

    Keep it up, you are beautiful no matter what your weight, and you can do this.

  2. Ways to get more energy:

    1) SLEEP (if you're like me, this is difficult. It's only after the kids go to sleep and I catch up with chores that I can do anything that counts as "me" time, like my hobbies. Since the kids go to bed around 8:30, and chores often take at least an hour or two (if I have energy), that leaves only late nights. So it comes down to either sleep or personal enrichment. But sleep gives you energy, and is so important.

    2) Constant small movements. I know if seems antithetical, but if you are constantly in motion your body is more tired at first, but builds up mitochondria (the "powerhouses of the cells") to compensate. After the first week or so you now have an excess of energy produced. So what are the small movements? Every free moment at your desk, do small stretches for all parts of the body (which is good for flexibility, too), I replaced my office chair for a ball whereon I am always moving my hips and bouncing slightly (and greatly helps with balance and my back pain, too), or take short breaks for power walks up and down stairs or around your place of business. One of my coworkers even has this little foot pedal device they use. More hard-core aerobic exercise helps here, too, of course.

    3) don't rely on caffeine or sugar. That is a recipe for short-term energy but long-term tiredness, sleep disruption, and sometimes calorie intake.

  3. I am curious about the rubber ball at work thing. How does that affect your back without the support? I like that you said it has helped with your back pain. I should try to plan an extra trip up and down the stairs at least once a day for a micro advancement.

    I have come to a point where I cannot function on low sleep, so that has become a priority. I think I burned the last of my midnight oil on my second degree. 7 hours is what I aim for, but when I am not feeling well, I aim for much more. I will never be one of those people who only need 4 or 5 hours of sleep.
